
How to Be an Expert at Twitter (Part 4)

Social media management plays a crucial role in today’s digital marketing landscape. Every post, tweet, or update requires careful attention to language and imagery to ensure a positive impact. In this article, we will explore the power of a well-crafted Twitter profile and how it can contribute to your digital marketing efforts while enhancing your online reputation.

Creating engaging advertisements that people would willingly retweet is the ideal scenario. However, even if you’re not actively promoting your product or service, focusing on writing good tweets can still yield significant benefits. When people retweet your content in any context, it brings more attention to your Twitter account and expands your audience. This larger audience will be more receptive when you do decide to publish your ads.

In fact, Twitter can be effective even without advertising at all. Think of driving down a highway and passing by a McDonald’s. The sight of the logo on the sign reminds you that you’re hungry and prompts you to consider taking a break. The advertising worked without explicitly promoting anything; it simply triggered the memory of McDonald’s. Similarly, a well-established brand doesn’t need to constantly remind people about its product. Instead, success on Twitter can be measured by the number of followers you gain. By consistently appearing on your followers’ newsfeeds, your logo remains in the back of their minds. When they require a product or service you offer, you will likely be the first brand they think of.

For those instances when you want to tweet without direct advertising, the options are vast. You can support the local sports team, share interesting riddles or quizzes, post intriguing factoids, or share beautiful pictures. Additionally, you can tweet jokes and trivia related to your field, showcasing your expertise and engaging your audience.

It’s important to note that while individuals on Twitter may sometimes be mean, companies should respond with politeness, cleverness, or even humor. Never respond with anger or negativity, as it can harm your reputation. Maintaining a positive and professional tone is crucial in handling any criticism or negative interactions.

There’s no secret formula or “right” way to tweet. It all boils down to understanding your target audience and their communities. Show respect for their interests, culture, and the way they communicate. Avoid condescension, misunderstandings, or exploitation. If users sense that you’re only pretending to understand them to fulfill your own agenda, they will turn against you.

Consider teenagers as an example. They have their own unique culture, music, slang, and worldview. If an adult tries to join their group and act as if they are one of them, they’re more likely to face scorn rather than acceptance. Therefore, take the time to learn about Twitter by following good accounts, observing how they operate, and immersing yourself in the platform’s culture. Enjoy the experience, become a fan, and absorb the community’s values and language. Once you feel comfortable, start tweeting and engaging with your audience.

We hope you found this series insightful. If you need assistance with your Twitter account or any digital media needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

About the Author

Steve Callerame has been a Twitter user since day one and has over 20 years experience telling stories for brands.

Lexicon is an award-winning brand storytelling agency focusing on telling impactful stories for clients based in Thailand and South East Asia.


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