
5 Lessons from 5 Websites in 5 Years

Lexicon is 6 and a half years old now, and a whole lot of things have changed over the years. One thing that has remain almost constant is that we have had a new website every year. In fact, we’ve had 5 websites in the last 5 years. The website you are on now, in fact, was just built by our in-house website agency in Bangkok.

In this blog, I’ll share with you some of the lessons that we have learned from having 5 websites in the last 5 years.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is incredibly important. In fact, it is one of the main reasons to have a website. If your website is not ranking first for your keywords, then you are missing out on a potential fortune. For us, we are ranking high on keywords such as ‘video production agency’, ‘social media agency’, ‘graphic design agency’, ‘branding agency’, and ‘Bangkok video production studio’. In turn, these keywords are generating revenue on a day-to-day basis.

So, as part of your website development process, you need to be thinking about your language and your SEO, and not just about your design. If you want your website to convert into profit, then SEO is really the key thing you should be thinking about. It’s best to reach out to an SEO agency in Bangkok to get some help.

2. Brand Storytelling

6 years ago, Lexicon was just me. So, it was difficult to project a sense of success because we didn’t have clients, case studies, client testimonials, or a leadership team. However, as of today, not only do we have all those things, but they are also a major part of our company’s story.

If you check out our new website, I don’t feature in it a lot. It is, instead, the stories of the team, the stories of the leadership team, and the examples of previous work.

There is a classic storytelling motif, which is “show, don’t tell”. Don’t tell everybody how great your videos are, show them. Don’t tell everybody how talented your team is, show them. Our new website is very much framed by this philosophy and its strategic execution was overseen by our digital agency in Bangkok.

3. Branding and Design

Visual direction is another crucial component of a website. Each of our websites has looked much better throughout the years, because we’ve gained more experience as a website agency in Bangkok. Moreover, we also have a stronger sense of our own brand, and what we’re all about.

Our new website is much more mature-looking. It stands out from all of our competitors in terms of the colors that we are using and in terms of the design that we’re incorporating. If you’re looking for a graphic design agency in Bangkok or a branding agency in Thailand, get in touch.

4. Pricing

Another significant element that we’ve brought into our website, which we’ve never really had before, is pricing. If you look around, pretty much all of our competitors never mention the price of their services on their websites. There’s a reason for that. It is because it encourages other people to try and adjust their prices to yours. But from a client’s perspective, it makes it difficult to understand the value of the services. For example, what does a website, video project, or branding project actually cost?

At Lexicon, what we want to really do is make it easy to figure out who the right agencies are for you. Now, we are not the right agency for every single client. For instance, we are not really designed for new businesses or for individual businesses. This is because our process involves dedicated account management, project management, and all these additional pieces that ensure quality. So, the prices reflect those services. I think more companies should explicitly address pricing, because it helps at the sales level to weed out people who are not quite relevant to you.

5. Company Culture

Finally, our About Us page has always been important to emphasize on our culture. I’m a big believer in culture as it is a way that companies can differentiate, especially when it comes to recruitment. In our old “About Us” page, aside from having nice pictures, it didn’t really tell the story of who we really are.

In stark comparison, our new “About Us” page, I’m very much proud of it. It has great videos and images, and it tells the story of who we are, and who we want to be. It tells possible employees about where we come from, where we’re going, and what our values are. I think it is the single most important page of the website. You may disagree, but for a company that is focused around differentiating through culture, your “About Us” page is absolutely vital.

I hope these 5 lessons come in handy to you. If you need help putting together your own website, please do not hesitate to reach out to Lexicon, or to me.


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