
How to Record Three Months’ Worth of B2B Video Content in One Afternoon

More and more B2B companies are realising how effective video content can be in promoting their brand. Indeed, social video generates a staggering 1,200% more shares than text and image-based content combined.

Still, that kind of success doesn’t come easy. Businesses find video production extremely demanding, especially when trying to produce frequent output. Most companies simply don’t have the adequate time, equipment, and resources to keep up with a video-heavy social media calendar. Therefore, falling back on other forms of content seems like the more realistic option.

But don’t give up yet – there is a simple but powerful way to streamline the video production process. With the proper setup, it is entirely possible to record up to three months’ worth of video content in just one afternoon.

How is this possible? Our video production agency in Bangkok recommends three simple tips to get you started. 

  1. Plan an entire set of videos

In a single afternoon, aim to record multiple videos. 

Video content with similar key themes will make for easier transitions between each shooting session, thus increasing recording efficiency while maintaining content quality. For bulk content to work best, ensure that each of your videos aligns with your brand campaign’s Big Idea or key message, and offer helpful content that guides your audience.

To keep the process moving quickly, make sure you plan out in advance exactly what you will say, and how you’re going to say it, before getting in front of the camera. Then keep rehearsing until it comes across smoothly. Not knowing your lines beforehand will only further delay the recording session.

  1. Set up professional video and audio

In the B2B sphere, a compelling video on the appropriate social media platform (such as LinkedIn) will boost your authority and trustworthiness within your industry. It’s best to make use of high-quality cameras and microphones, in order to look and sound professional.

Even if you don’t have such equipment, your smartphone or laptop can be sufficient to produce a decent-quality video, as long as care is taken in advance to arrange the right setup.

Moreover, when recording, ensure that your surroundings are free of any background noises. Outside noise tends to be very noticeable, and could disrupt the audio quality of your video. More importantly, background noises in a B2B marketing video will be seen as unprofessional, thus damaging your brand’s credibility.

  1. Clear your schedule

The point may sound obvious, but it is essential nonetheless: Planning your videos and getting high-quality cameras and microphones will not work if your schedule isn’t cleared for an entire afternoon of video shooting.

By blocking out the afternoon, the shoot will be the only thing on your mind. This way, you’ll find it much easier to relax, stay engaged, and put on a stronger performance during recording. Such an approach increases the likelihood of completing the entire set of videos in one afternoon, or even faster.

Edit and roll your videos for the next 3 months

Following the above tips makes it entirely possible to record three months’ worth of content in just one afternoon.

The recorded content can even be edited into snippets, allowing you to turn each full video into a handful of shorter clips. Organize these into your content calendar, and schedule each video post accordingly. If executed properly, you won’t have to worry about creating video content again until the next business quarter.

Although bulk content recording saves you time and resources, it is always worth remembering that quantity is nothing without quality. Impressive video production should deliver a clear and impactful message, while covering all five C’s of cinematography.

To ensure a professional result, consider outsourcing to our video production agency in Bangkok. We handle everything from ideation and pre-production, all the way to post-production and even social media posting. You, on the other hand, will only need to come in (or we can go to your designated location) to record for one single afternoon.

If your business is ready to raise its video marketing game, contact us today.


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