
Using Social Media Marketing to Enhance Your Online Reputation in Bangkok

Using Social Media Marketing to Enhance Your Online Reputation in Bangkok

The importance of having a distinct and unique online presence has never been more important, and it will become increasingly important as more and more business moves online in Bangkok.

Many firms offer the same product and have very little to differentiate themselves beyond price. The old adage that people do business with people not companies is still true, but these days people are often known only through their digital marketing.

This recent article from adage.com shows an increase of 52% in engagement with branded content online in just the last quarter, and while there are no comparable statistics for Thailand, we can be sure that those successfully utilizing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are having a lot of success. I can vouch for that from personal experience, too.

People in Bangkok are always hungry for information and entertainment, and companies need to find ways to engage with their potential customers, while also retaining and entertaining their existing customers.

There are many ways to do this, but the essential factor to consider when deciding how to engage with your customers is to ensure a consistent on-brand message and tone are maintained. This requires some strategy and planning, as well as a cogent and well-defined brand identity.

For example, if you are a company selling food then your social media management should consist of posting beautiful copywriting of your food, as well as positive reviews of your food; your blog output should talk about the process of making the food, emphasizing its experiential essence and helping customers imagine how wonderful it must taste. Another important factor is building up a sense of quality in the people preparing your food and the ingredients being used; this must be done using just your pictures and your words.

However, capturing a brand’s essence using only words is one of the biggest challenges companies face with their social media management. It is not an easy task, and it is why copywriting in Bangkok is so valuable. A good copywriter will be able to choose the right words, tone and style to enable customers to easily imagine the experience of using a product, and to make them feel the need to go out and buy it.

Lexicon is a Business Communications firm and so our output on social media and here on this blog is made up of things like the article you are reading now. Words are our product as we are content producers, and so we need to use them well and show potential clients our product before they buy from us. It has worked well for us, and I am sure it can work well for you. The key is a consistent narrative.

But, no matter what industry you are in, using social media to enhance your online reputation is essential. And keeping a blog is a great way to have control over the message reaching your audience. If you combine blogging with effective social media management then you will also build up a large following for your website, and this in turn leads to greater search engine results and rankings on Google, meaning you are winning from every angle.

So, in conclusion, take charge of your online reputation and ensure a consistent message throughout your social media output; allow your customers to imagine what it would be like to use and experience your product. And, if you are able to write compelling and engaging content too, keep a blog that is branded to reflect your corporate identity.

If you need any help with these things in Bangkok, Lexicon can help you. Lexicon is a full-service digital marketing agency in Bangkok, offering content writing, social media marketing and graphic design services.

About the Author

Steve Callerame has been a Twitter user since day one and has over 20 years experience telling stories on social media for clients.

Lexicon is an award-winning brand storytelling agency focusing on telling impactful stories for clients based in Thailand and South East Asia.


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